The doodles of a young blogger...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My attempt at poetry.

I was 9 years old when i first started writing poetry. I was fascinated with the "rhymy-rhymy" words at the end of every line. I started reading poetry after that, and then started writing it.

This poem was written when i was 10 and goes like this:

Please bring me a boat
And a coat
And also get my goat
And an ice-cream float

Please call my pig
Which is big
And wears a wig
To dig

My dog
Whose name is Frog
Sleeps like a log
In the fog

The princess had a pea
Which smelt of tea
And looked like a bumble bee
But it was a key
Which she gave to me

The only thing i was interested in was to make the words rhyme. Now when I sit back and read the poems I have written, I laugh until i fall off.

My poetry did improve after a while. I started writing things that did make some sense.

I always loved to write stories. But i couldn't for a simple reason that once i started writing it, I would lose interest after a while. Poetry isn't like that. It is a burst of emotion and takes hardly any time to write if you know what you feel.

That's it for now.

Please note: I know i am going back on what i said in my last post ( that i wouldn't come online) But I just happened to have some time and i decided to blog.
Hoping i get more time to post one of my recent poems.


Anonymous said...

ah... so you went back on your word really!! :)

Unknown said...

hey i luv readin ur poems this is sooo nice atleast u attempted to write a poem at the age of 10 gud gud keep goin....

Anonymous said...

And that poem's quite a funny one. And would you please please please pretty please comment on my blog? :) :(