The doodles of a young blogger...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am like totally bored. I have nothing to do. Really scared bout my results.... I was reading "osho's book- "A New Man For a New Millennium". He talks about not being afraid of the society. Being quite young, such things do confuse me....
Does he mean that we shouldn't follow laws?
or does he mean that we should follow only those laws which we think are necessary?
Pondering about all this Philosophical stuff, I came to the conclusion that a thing that has some truth in it, wont harm others (unless they are really bad) and will help at least 1 person which maybe even you is a Rightful deed. You are NOT doing anything wrong by helping yourself.
I also came to a conclusion that Helping yourself is different from being selfish.
I also realized that helping Ourselves before helping others is how humans were built.
That's it for now.... Will be back with another post before you know it....

(i am just a kid.. My speculations may not be right... Hope you dont take it to seriously if i have made a mistake somewhere.)

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